> Academics > School of Foreign Languages
School of Foreign Languages

  There are two departments under the Foreign Languages School: English and Japanese. In addition to foreign language majors, the school is also responsible for English teaching for non-English majors and students in international joint programs with the University of Southern Queensland(Australia), the University of Waikato (New Zealand) and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (US).
  The school has established a Simultaneous Interpretation Laboratory with over 1.2 million RMB of investment, an Ability Practice Base, two research centers and four research institutes. Since 2004, the school has been co-cultivating postgraduates with Zhejiang University. International exchange programs have been established with University of California, University Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 of France and several Japanese universities.
  The school also maintains specialized centers giving students opportunities to enrich their language skills under the aegis of the Panoramic Foreign Language Center, including the English Writing Center, the Reading center, the Debating Center and the Translation Center, etc. in addition, the School hosts many college-wide foreign language events throughout the school year.
  Specialty for Master Program: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Foreign Languages.



The University of Waikato |The University of Southern Queensland |The University of Nebraska-Lincoln |University of Essex |Singapore Polytechnic |more
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