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Ms. Constance, Former Chairman of Board of Directors of Washington University, America, Visits ZUCC



  On the morning of November 9th, 2017, Ms. Constance L. Proctor, the Former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Washington University, America, visited ZUCC in the company of Sun Qingfeng, the Director of the Higher Education Department (Exchange and Cooperation Office) of Hangzhou Education Bureau. Vice President Zhu Yongping, with the principals of the International Exchange and Cooperation Department, New Zealand UW College and the School of Law, attended the interview.

  Ms. Constance visited the campus, especially New Zealand UW College. She said that Washington University was a famous university with a number of preponderant disciplines while ZUCC was an application oriented college, full of innovation and vitality. Against the backdrop of the introduction of educational resources with high quality from abroad in Hangzhou, Ms. Constance would like to try her best to prompt the cooperation between two schools.


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