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The Number of National Fund Projects Reaches a Record High in ZUCC

  Recently, the projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Social Science Fund of China, applied in 2018, have been announced. The number of ZUCC national fund projects has reached a record high: 11 National Natural Science Foundation projects and 4 National Social Science Fund projects have been approved, up 114% from last year. The total funding amounted to 4.68 million yuan, an increase of 106% over the same period of last year. Among these projects, the School of Engineering have been awarded five projects, ranking first in ZUCC.
  In recent years, ZUCC leaders have attached great importance to fundamental research, mobilizing the enthusiasm of researchers through various funding and incentive policies. At the same time, ZUCC has constantly strengthened discipline and talent construction, and extended the base of scientific research talents. Guided by the strategy of “Six Pursuits for being an Excellent College”, ZUCC has made breakthroughs in scientific research, laying a solid foundation for being a public undergraduate university and one of the top 100 universities.



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