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ZUCC Holds a Symposium to See Volunteer in Xinjiang off



  On the morning of March 8th, Wu Jian, Party Secretary of ZUCC, accompanied by the officials of Human Resources Office and the School of Computer & Computer Science and the representatives of Xinjiang Students, saw Teacher Zhang Yong off, who was going to Xinjiang as a volunteer to teach soon.

  This year, Zhejiang Education Bureau selected 38 senior teachers from universities all over the province to assist the construction and development of College of Science and Technology, Xinjiang University (Akesu Campus). As the only independent college of all selected universities in Zhejiang Province, Zhang Yong felt proud and was also keenly aware of the great responsibility on himself. Sincerely, he thanked the organization for its trust. In addition, he said he would strictly observe the discipline, integrate into the new environment as soon as possible, be obedient, modest, and diligent to complete the task and share his experience with colleagues and students in Xinjiang, living up to the ardent expectations of the organization. The School of Computer & Computer Science expressed that they would be a strong backing for Teacher Zhang and strongly support Teacher Zhang’s effort to bring the excellent teaching and research methods to Xinjiang, building a bridge for cooperation and communication between two schools.

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