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Grasping New Opportunity to Promote New Development in Nursing--Seminar on New Progress in Nursing in Culture Festival of School of Medicine



  On April 21st, the School of Nursing of ZUCC held a seminar on the theme of “New Progress in Nursing”. Bao Jiaming, the Vice Dean of the School of Nursing, ZUCC, Dr. Marcia Agnes Petrini, the Dean of the HOPE School of Nursing, Wuhan University, Yuan Yuehua, the Director of Respiratory Therapy Department, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University of Medicine, Yu Xuefen, the Director of Nursing Department, Stomatology Hospital Affiliated to Zhejiang University of Medicine and Chen Xiaohang, the Executive Deputy Director of Nursing Department, Zhejiang University, as well as more than 150 students and teachers of Nursing Department attended the seminar. The purpose of this seminar was to further promote the international cooperation with Loma Linda University, America and to explore the new development of nursing discipline actively, promoting the internationalization of nursing education and the diversification of talent cultivation.

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