> Academics > School of NZUWI
School of NZUWI

  The University of Waikato Joint Institute at (NZUWI) is a Sino-foreign cooperative educational institution between the Hangzhou City University (HZCU) and the University of Waikato (UW). Officially approved by the Ministry of Education in September 2016, NZUWI began to enrol students in September 2017. The institute is the first Sino-foreign education programme in the higher education field in Hangzhou and the first of its kind in the country.
  The educational target of NZUWI is to build a first-class international college with distinctive features, strong faculties, advanced teaching facilities, excellent education quality and significant social benefits.
  Website: http://nzuwi.hzcu.edu.cn/col/col4211/index.html




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