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“Joy School” of the School of Media Launched Successfully

      At 18:30 on January 4, 2018, the first lecture of Joy School was given successfully at Room 106 of Wenyi Teaching Building. The event was geared to all freshmen and aimed to build an “Academic Mutual Aid” platform to help students solve academic problems and improve performance under the help of the “Academic Tutors” around them.

      “Joy School”, as the name suggests, is to make students study effectively in a happy and relaxed atmosphere. The “Academic Tutors” lectured in a vivid and interesting language, whose unique teaching method and new thinking model can help students thinkfrom different perspectives and also help them solve difficult problems.

       The piercing cold wind can’t stop the enthusiasm of the students. Whether it is concept that is not understood, a question that  ambivalent, or an unfamiliar formula, students can always find an appropriate solution here. It is unusual that the tutors taught here are students with excellent performance in relevant courses. In a limited period of time, tutors and students can delve into the difficulties in study and benefited from mutual learning. The tutors can also help on a one-on-one manner based on the students’ needs.

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