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Apply What Have Learnt, with Innovation and Creativity – Students of Architecture Won Awards Again

Recently, the results of the 2019 International Student Architectural Design Scheme Competition co-organized by the Architectural Society of China, the Shandong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Weihai Municipal People’s Government of Shandong Province were officially announced. The work Creator Town by Wang Yihan, Wang Yikai and Wang Minghao of Class 1601, Department of Architecture, School of Engineering, won the Merit Award in the competition, and their instructor Chen Chen won the Best Instructor Merit Award.

The 10th Session of the Architectural Design Competition held in this year with the theme of “Beautiful Village · Recycled Seaweed House” took the renovation of the seaweed house on the Shandong Peninsula as the competition content, whose requirements are to protect the historical pattern and style, and to enhance and develop innovation, so as to bring better economic and social benefits.

Since the launch of the competition in April, it has been highly valued and actively participated by teachers and students from Southeast University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Central Academy of Fine Arts and other well-known domestic universities. After the appraisal by reviewers such as Wei Dunshan and Liu Jiaping, Academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering, etc., there were 1 Gold Award, 2 Silver Awards, 5 Bronze Awards and 20 Merit Awards rated, and the team from the School of Engineering won the Merit Award.


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