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ZUCC Entrepreneurship Lecture Hall: College Student Entrepreneurial Advisors Help to Achieve Your Entrepreneurial Dream

On December 7, the School of Entrepreneurial invited two Hangzhou college student entrepreneurial advisors to ZUCC Entrepreneurship Lecture Hall to share with students the entrepreneurial policies and several key issues in the early stage of entrepreneurship.

Mr. Bao Fangyun has very rich work experience in listed companies and participated in several national scientific research projects. He is the leader of Hangzhou college student entrepreneurship unpaid funding review team, and has a good understanding of Hangzhou college student entrepreneurship funding policies. He explained the funding policies of the Hangzhou Municipal Government to entrepreneurship of college students from various aspects such as funding and tax policies. He also mentioned that when starting a business in college stage, it is necessary to pay attention to various information in a timely manner and use various resources reasonably, which can greatly reduce entrepreneurial costs. In addition, the current hotspot of entrepreneurship - blockchain is also introduced.

Mr. Chen Zhongcai is a serial entrepreneur in the field of Internet education. He started with three key issues in the early stage of entrepreneurship: direction and positioning, using lean entrepreneurial methods to verify demands, partners, shares and financing, to tell everyone the importance of lean entrepreneurship.

The two advisors’ first-hand entrepreneurial experience was a good lesson for the students and brought valuable experience to everyone.

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