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Party Secretary Hong Qinghua and His Delegation Visited Zhejiang University Education Foundation

       On the afternoon of June 10, ZUCC Party Secretary Hong Qinghua, Vice President Si Rongxi and their delegation visited Zhejiang University Education Foundation, and expressed gratitude to the Zhejiang University Education Foundation on behalf of ZUCC for providing the materials for ZUCC’s anti-epidemic and school resumption work. Assistant President of Zhejiang University Hu Wei and others warmly received Secretary Hong Qinghua and his delegation.

       Hong Qinghua thanked Zhejiang University for its long-term care and support for the development of ZUCC. He said that in the new stage of ZUCC’s development, it is necessary to continue the context of Zhejiang University, seize the opportunity of the further deepened comprehensive strategic cooperation between Hangzhou City and Zhejiang University in the new era, insist on mechanism innovation, focusing on the top, city-school integration and characteristic development, comprehensively extending the resources of Zhejiang University.

       Hu Wei extended a warm welcome to Secretary Hong who had just taken the post for his visit to the Zhejiang University Foundation. He emphasized that Zhejiang University and ZUCC are closely connected and have witness glories together. He believes that Zhejiang University will continue to fully support the construction and development of ZUCC in the future, and hopes that ZUCC will realize its vision step by step.


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