> Academics > School of Medicine
School of Medicine

  The school comprises four departments: Clinical Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Biometric Science and Technology. Specialties are offered in each of those areas. In 2003, the pharmacology department was listed as a key discipline of the city of Hangzhou and in 2005, the School’s Drug Information and New Drug Research Laboratory became a key laboratory of Hangzhou City. Various laboratories including a chemical lab, a biochemical lab, a pharmacology lab, a physiology lab, a microbiometric lab, and immunology lab, a pharmacy lab, a basic nursing lab, a microscopic digital interaction lab and an instrumental analysis lab. All are equipped with advanced facilities, equipment and apparatus.
  Specialty for Master Program: Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Immunology, Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Biochemical Engineering, Medicinal Chemistry.



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