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City College Accepts the Donation of over 4000 Collections of Books from Mr. Tao Chongxing during His Lifetime and sets up a Dedicated Grant


  On morning of Nov. 25, the donation ceremony of Mr. Tao Chongxing’s collection of books was held in the library VIP hall of Zhejiang University City College. People below attended the donation ceremony including Mr. Tao Chongxing’s daughter Tao Peilin, Zhang Junsheng --previous party secretary of Zhejiang University, Song Yonghua --managing vice president of Zhejiang University, vice-chairman of Hangzhou Overseas Chinese Businessmen Committee Tang Chi with his wife Shen Zuxin, Lin Guojiao—director of Hangzhou Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, Wu Jian—president of Zhejiang University City College and president of its Education Foundation. The ceremony was hosted by Ye Min, the secretary of the party committee of the city college.  

The college praised the generous donation of the brother and sister Tao and their kind behavior. The college awarded them RMB100,000, while they returned the money to the college to set up Tao Chongxing Academic Dedicated Grant for the cataloging of Mr. Tao’s collection of ancient books and inscription rubbing, and for study of the relevant subject, bibliology and philology.

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