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Guests from UCSD Visited ZUCC


  On September 26th, Etran Chane McComic, the Asia-Pacific Director of International Development Department, University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and her assistant, Tan Yuanyuan, visited ZUCC. Vice President Zhu Yongping welcomed the guests. Ms. Etran introduced the exchange program of International Development Department, and hoped to provide more opportunities for ZUCC students to exchange and study in the United States. Vice President Zhu Yongping expressed that he would like to carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation with UCSD in student and teacher exchanges.
  The University of California, San Diego (UCSD) is a prominent public university in California, and is part of the University of California system. Although the school was established in just over 50 years, it ranks among the top three in the UC system. It is among the same rank as that of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and the university's total research funding is ranked 5th in the United States.



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