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Broaden International Vision and Improve Management Level--First Training of Internationalization Competence for Managers of ZUCC Starts Successfully



  On the afternoon of May 9th, the opening ceremony of the First Training Class on Internationalization Competence for Managers of ZUCC and the special lecture on “Cross-cultural Communication Skills and Strategies” was successfully held in Art- 316. Aiming at the needs and characteristics of the internationalization competence of school administrators, the training courses were carefully designed that international education and education internationalization, cross-cultural communication skills and strategies, British and American culture, communicative English content were conducted in the form of courses and special lectures, so that the students could promote their communication, strengthen their internationalization consciousness, understand the international etiquette, improve the level of oral communication and effectively improve international literacy and cross-cultural communication competence.

The University of Waikato |The University of Southern Queensland |The University of Nebraska-Lincoln |University of Essex |Singapore Polytechnic |more
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