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2022 Honor Ceremony for Students Held in ZUCC

Starlights in the “city” navigates hopes and dreams. On the night of March 31st, ZUCC held the 2022 Honor Ceremony for Students. University administrators, teachers, and students celebrated and shared honors. All the starlights collected from the past will better guide us for the future. Let’s meet some of them. 


Team “Jicanghai (sailing through the sea)”: the team won the bronze medal in the National Competition “Internet+.” Their program, Smart Robert for Cleaning Beaches and Wetland, has won seven prizes in provincial and national competitions and successfully applied for and gained 12 intellectual properties. 

Oral history team “Hundred Years of Zhejiang”: combining individual stories with a great social background in Zhejiang, the audience is immersed in and attracted by oral history.

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